Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Father left an 1,100 page tome about his life for my sister and I.  It was an amazing work of fiction where his family held almost no role what so ever!  I was appalled that father could think all of his children and wives so foolish as to not remember events and intrigues.

Although it did give me some insight into him - like how he actually thought and viewed life.  Father was completely and totally self-centered.  A complete Narcissus!  I have to admit I never really understood him until I read that book and saw how he fiddled with facts and data to fit his world view.

Everything he observed, did, or was done to, was judged in accordance with how it affected him and only him.

It leaves one quite speechless.  Well at least me, because I do not view life this way at all, so it is very foreign for me to understand that some people really do think this way.

Probably the best cure is for people to learn they are not the center of the known universe - there is a higher power they are accountable to and I fear father will not fare well in that regard.

So, in studying up on narcissism, I was to learn that this is the most common form of psychopathy.  My father was a sociopath?  I had never thought of this before, but it made sense.  It explained his 8 wives and his horrible relationships with us children.  It explained his aversion to the past - he could not remember all of his lies.

And it explained something about me I had never fully understood.

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