Monday, March 14, 2011


I was raised in European schools.  They will forever be best remembered for their blatant violence against a young man whom really did not understand what the heck was going on.....  One of the lessons I remember well, because it gave me cause to stop and think, was on the topic of: "what is going to be your LEGACY?".

A legacy?  Why on earth would I even care what people thought of me when I was long dead and gone?  As the years have passed, I have sort of figured out that I might like to be remembered by those I have successfully fathered, those I have discipled, those I have mentored.  Hmmmm.....

By the same token I can remember my father speaking on the topic a legacy, probably as I was trying to figure this whole idea out.  He seemed to think this was important at the time.

Of course, I have been rereading father's enormous highly fictionalized autobiography and the thought keeps coming to my mind, "Why did he write certain stories the way he did?  Why did he ignore certain stories or split others into separate events or even worse, why did he combine stories?"  Yeah, he created quite a work of fiction and I just do not understand.  Some of his stories I had forgotten and others I remembered extremely well - so I know they were wrong.

By the time the tales are over, one is left with the question of LEGACY.

Apparently, he did want to leave one.  But his complete ignoring of any of this children, other than one step-son, makes you wonder.  Even, Sommer, the golden girl - did not get as many mentions as bathroom humor.

A man whom was at the creation of 20th century history, blew off that history so as to be politically correct in the end, and those of his descendants, he left with nothing.

I am not suggesting that you must worry about leaving your descendants anything but you might want to think about it - in terms of history and truth.....

That should be the basis of any of our legacies.

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